OSCE High Commissioner of National Minorities Holds Roundtable in Uzbekistan

Speakers address the expert roundtable to share practical implications and good practices related to the Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Social and Economic Life, organized by the office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in co-operation with the National Centre for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan on 4 June 2024 in Tashkent.


On June 4th and 5th, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Office of the High Commissioner for National Minorities (HCNM), in cooperation with the National Centre for Human Rights of Uzbekistan, organized two roundtables about minority rights in Uzbekistan. 

At the roundtables, in his opening remarks, Marek Szczygieł, Director of the office of the HCNM, said, “When ethnic communities thrive, the whole society benefits. Economic inclusion is not just about creating opportunities; it’s about building unity, eliminating barriers within society, and ensuring equal participation in the economic life of our nations.”

Akmal Saidov, First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Director of the National Centre for Human Rights, stated, “Issues related to safeguarding peace in our country, strengthening inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance, promoting universal values and conveying these values to the younger generation is now considered a priority for all of us.”

The roundtables were held in Tashkent and Samarkand, Uzbekistan, and focused on sharing the practical implications of the Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Social and Economic Life.